Monday, May 16, 2011

Grade 10 Arts

My grade 10 arts highlight is being in Drama 10. Drama 10 is an elective that I signed up for during my course selections and it greatly benefited me throughout the year. It is teaching me to get over nervousness of being on stage and in large groups. It is a awesome class and I would definitely recommend it to all upcoming grade 10 students.

My highlight of Drama 10 has helped me improve many of my skills this year. It has improved my confidence in speaking out in large groups. Drama 10 has opened my eyes to a more creative and care-free side of life, that can take you away form all the stress and nervousness associated with school life. It is one of the few blocks at this school where you can almost run the whole class yourself based on your own ideas and creativity. Drama 10 has showed me that it can benefit you to speak out in large groups to give your idea and not just sit back and watch. This highlight will help me in the future for whatever job I encounter because I will have the confidence and knowledge to speak out at staff meetings or events. This will prove to be a valuable asset to have not only now as a teenager, but as a grow up and become an adult. The creativity involved in Drama 10 has changed my outlook on so many things in life. I no longer “judge a book by its cover” and now look beyond the outside to try and find what is hidden behind. Drama 10 is a truly valuable course to have and will benefit everyone that signs up for it.

Grade 10 Athletics

Athletics Highlight #2

My second grade 10 choice highlight is when I managed the grade 10 basketball team. It was a good experience for me as it helped me improve my focus and organization as well as my basketball skills. It was a good year as we won our Cavs Classic.

Athletics Highlight

My grade 10 athletics highlight is making and being on the senior soccer team. I had to go through 2 tryouts to make the team and compete against other talented grade 10,11, AND 12’s. I worked hard though and my perseverance paid off as i ended up making the team and enjoyed a fun season.


My grade 10 athletics reflection is on making the Senior soccer team. Being a part of the grade 10 soccer team helped me gain a lot of new skills that will benefit me in the future. It taught me key things like dedication, hard work, perseverance, commitment, and mental toughness. While I was on the grade 10 soccer team my best accomplishment was scoring a goal in the tournament in Victoria. Even though it was only one of the few goals I would score it was the FIRST goal anyone on the team had scored which made it pretty special. Being on the soccer team meant that I would be in a lot of group situations. After being in those group situations so often, it has improved my confidence in speaking in front of large audiences and in my confidence to speak out my opinion on the subject at hand. Hopefully the grade 10 soccer team will continue in my next and final 2 years at collingwood in grade 11 and 12. However after high school I will probably be dropping soccer competitively. I will still however play it as a recreational sport for the rest of my life. Being a part of the senior soccer team has allowed me to become more athletic and has improved my strength and conditioning. As I stated before it helps improve many things like dedication and mental toughness. You need very sound nutrition to be able to play on the soccer team as well as keep up with them physically. Nutrition can play a huge part in the matter of whether you make the team or not. You HAVE to have the energy to be able to run up and down the field constantly. I personally do not have any emotional or mental stress in my life but soccer would have definitely been a time to just be there and enjoy playing soccer while not having to think about any upcoming test or anything school related. If you did want to have a stress reliever, than soccer would be a good choice as it can focus your mind on something else and make your mind stronger to resisting stress. Overall, despite having a somewhat disappointing season not winning many games and personally not getting a whole lot of playing time I still had fun every time I went out to a game or a practice. I think that our team will continue to improve going into next year and hopefully we will go far in the playoffs as well. I learned a lot of valuable skills not only about soccer but also skills that can help me towards life. I can not wait to see what my future has in store for me.

Grade 10 Service

Service Highlight #2

My 2nd grade 10 service highlight is when I worked at the Spring Fair. I worked at the candy walk and taking down tables for service. This was a great opportunity to get service while having fun at the same time. I hope the Spring Fair runs again next year.

Service Highlight

My grade 10 service highlight is when I was a Camp Counsellor for the grade 4 Camp. It was a sign up bases opportunity and it taught me a lot about leadership and responsibility.

I chose my camp counseling for my service highlight because it was a good way to give back to the school. It is important to give back to the community and school because you should show respect to everyone. Putting service into my life time goals will be a good thing. Having service in your life can open you up to many different opportunities and new people. I will definitely integrate service opportunities into my life as I grow up and encounter new situations. Being a camp counsellor helped me enhance all the students experience at camp and make them feel more comfortable being away from home for a long period of time (to them). I remember my first grade camp and know the difficulties that are associated with those grueling 3 days. I witnessed first hand what a difference a nice counsellor can make. As a camp counsellor we had many new responsibilities to tend to. I was in charge on 5 hyper active grade 4’s. Despite the clear difficulties you have, it was a rewarding experience leading activities like campfire’s, activities, and your own cabin. Counseling gives you a real sense of responsibility. It was good to expand my abilities in working with other people and will benefit me in the future. This highlight shows that I have drive, focus, organization, and enough responsibility to take on any task that is given to me. Next year I hope to go on a service trip with the school to further give back to the world. Service should be provided at every school so kids can have the opportunity to give back. Service provides kids with new responsibility and focus.

Grade 10 Academics

Academic Highlight #3

My third grade 10 academic highlight is my 2nd term report card. After improving from last year on my first term report card, I saw a even more significant improvement on my second report card. I hope this improvement will continue to my year end report card.

Academic #2 Highlight

My second grade 10 academic highlight is my grade 10 speech. My speech topic was “What Do You Want To Do Before You Die”? It was a very original and creative speech and i got a solid 42/50 on it. (despite having to overcome some nervousness)

Academic #1 Highlight

My first grade 10 academic highlight is my first term report card of 2010-2011. It that first term report card I had 6 B’s and 2 A’s. It was a very good improvement from my last year’s first term report card. I look forward to improving those grades even more as the year progresses.

My academic reflection is on my first term report card. My first term report card was a successful one. My first term report card has shown me that if I put 100% effort into anything I will succeed. It has made me want to complete my grad transitions with hard work and focus. I chose my first term report card because it is an example of how I am trying my best to continue to improve my marks after having a fairly disappointing year, last year academically. This highlight has shown me that if I treat homework with hard work, patience, and focus then my marks will continue to improve even more. This report card really made me want to push even harder so that on my next future report card I can achieve even greater success and hopefully end up with close to straight A’s. This report card has giving me the strength to know that I have the capability and knowledge to push and keep improve myself academically. I do not have to get by in school anymore with settling for mid-low B’s anymore. It has given me the skills and confidence to have higher expectations of myself and not even settle for mid B’s anymore. Soon enough only A’s on everything will be acceptable to myself. After viewing the results of my first term report card which were 6 B’s and 2 A’s including honors in DPA and a pass in service I do not procrastinate on homework or studying for tests/quizzes anymore. I look forward to having my grades improve so that I do not have to worry about going into tests extremely nervous or having last minute cramming sessions because I forgot an assignment. I not only improved my work in school but also improved my attitude. You could be the smartest person in your grade but if you do not give the effort or have no care for getting work done then you will end up having to watch your grade fall lower and lower. With my newly combined skills of no longer procrastinating, completing homework assignments ahead of time, and going into school with a good attitude; I believe that it will show in my grades how I am improving and I cannot wait to see my next term report card. It should be a good one.